1. Designed for System Seven and systems with color !
2. Eject, Stop, Play, Pause, Previous, Next, and Scan functions.
3. NO INIT╒s or CDEV's
4. Small Convenient Display.
5. You can quit the app without interrupting the play.
6. Wrap around direction buttons.
7. Only uses < 128 of RAM, you can quit if you need the memory!
8. Runs in background with NO noticeable decrease in system performance.
9. Auto Start Play when Audio CD is mounted.á
10. Several end of CD options.
11. Works with screen savers.
12. 32 bit Clean.
13. Still only $10.00
14. balloon help
15. Still does not run on MacPlus and Lisa's!
á if application is running in background.
I would like to thank those sent in their sharware fees, all of you will be receiving registration codes for CARP 2.0 at no charge.
You need to have installed the Foreign File Access and your CD ROM driver. You do not need the CD Remote INIT or the Remote player for CARP to work. For Best Results simply make an alias of the CARP icon, put it in the "Startup Items" folder of your system folder. Reboot and CARP is ready. If you don╒t want the little control panel around you can hide the window (command ╥T╙).
It╒s really straight forward, there is balloon help, here are several notes:
1. Clicking in the LCD Window shows total tracks.
2. Option Click on Arrows Scans Forward and back respectively .
3. Display's "--" when no Audio CD currently mounted.
4. When a track is playing, clicking the play button starts that track over.
5. If the disc is playing and you are on track one clicking the ╥<╥ previous button will
╥wrap around╙ to the last track, etc...
6. CARP remembers the position of the panel even after you quit, the only rule is that if
any part of the panel hangs off the edge of your screen bounds, when you re-start
CARP it will come up in the default position (upper left corner).
Command - T Toggles Show/Hide Window
Command - Q Quit (close box also quits application)
Send $10.00 Shareware fee and/or feedback to:
Craig Marciniak
908 Yellow Brick Road
Chaska, MN. 55318
The author takes absolutely NO responsibility for this software. There is NO warranty!